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Use SearchAtlas SEO Software to Boost Online Presence

SearchAtlas seo software

Advertising evolves with new media. Radio broadcasts enabled companies to reach into people’s homes and promote products. TVs allowed companies to present visual and verbal information in advertisements and use the best SearchAtlas seo software.

Since the first TV advertisement aired in 1941, the internet has been the most potent medium to affect marketing. In 2018, Forbes reported that 82 percent of smartphone owners used their phones to research products before buying something in a store. Internet marketing involves raising your site’s profile by having your site listed on the first page of search engine results. Let’s look at how to use SEO software from SearchAtlas to accomplish this.

Domain Authority (DA) Scores

Your site’s DA score determines where your site appears on search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher your score, the higher your site’s placement on SERPs.

Search engines send crawlers from site to site, tallying positive SEO site characteristics. For example, when crawlers reach a website and it’s hard to move from page to page, it lowers the site’s score because it isn’t easy to navigate. When crawlers visit a site that’s easy to navigate, they boost the site’s DA score.

Negative Features

Negative Features

Crawlers penalize sites with negative features, such as high bounce rates. Bounce rates reflect visitors that don’t engage with the content or only view a single page. Bounce rates may increase if you’re generating backlinks from harmful or irrelevant sites, increasing the likelihood your site’s visitors aren’t interested in your content. Reducing your bounce rate can increase your site’s DA score.

Inbound and Outbound Links

Inbound and outbound links are two critical features that significantly impact your site’s DA score. You can use SearchAtlas SEO software to review your inbound links, also known as backlinks, to determine whether they’re harming or helping your site.

The bulk DA checker is a powerful tool that generates site information for multiple websites simultaneously. The data includes the site’s DA score. You can generate inbound links is contributing blog posts on reputable sites with high DA scores and including a link to your site in your bio. Choosing sites with high DA scores lends your site credibility and boosts your DA score.

Your site should also have strong outbound links. Linking to credible sites with high DA scores also increases your site’s credibility. This action illustrates you’re discerning about which sites you feature. Your outbound links should also lead to content relevant to your site’s focus. Suppose your site sells classic toys to children, such as cars and dolls. Your site wouldn’t feature an outbound link to a horror convention for adults.

Harmful Backlinks

The backlink analysis tool evaluates your site and provides general information, including your site’s DA score, the number of keywords featured, how much organic traffic your site currently receives, and the number of backlinks leading to your site. The analysis provides detailed information about the backlink sources, including their DA scores.

Evaluating this information enables you to identify harmful inbound links, including links from spam sites and sites with low DA scores. You can ask those sites to remove the links or use Google’s disavow tool to prevent those sites’ scores from affecting your site’s DA score.

Site Content and Keywords

Site Content and Keywords

Use the keyword researcher to identify target keywords to feature on your site. Keyword research identifies the most common relevant terms used on search engines, ensuring your site’s associated with relevant web searches and receives a high SERP placement for those searches. You can also use keyword research to identify niche keywords and increase the number of searches featuring your site. The SEO content assistant tool helps you craft compelling content incorporating relevant keywords, increasing your site’s profile by boosting your site’s DA score.

Websites boost their online profile by increasing their site’s DA score. SEO software enables sites to add and strengthen site content, ensuring vital SERP placement for relevant web searches.