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The Untold Secrets of Women’s Health

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Stretch marks, hot flashes, cervical plugs, mammograms, menopause, postpartum depression, PCOS, irregular periods, and more – few could argue that there aren’t many women’s health concerns to think about. While modern culture has gotten better about sharing the secrets to women’s sometimes complicated health, there are still some topics many women aren’t aware of simply because they aren’t talked about.

Whether you come from a family with a mother and sister open about their own health or a family system that keeps things private, it’s a good idea to do what you can to untangle the secrets of women’s health, especially when you or someone you love is going through a normal life stage. From puberty to menopause, there’s a lot to talk about. To get the conversation started, begin with these untold secrets to women’s health.


Untold Secrets of Women's Health

As much as most women would like to believe their mothers, aunts, sisters, grandmothers, or even friends would warn them about things like the weight gain and mood swings that come with menopause, the reality is that this natural transition still goes unspoken of in many families and peer groups. Even though most women will go through the hormonal changes of menopause similar to how they once did in puberty, things like night sweats and estrogen levels at menopause just aren’t spoken of as often.

The great news is that things are changing. While it may still be difficult to have conversations with postmenopausal women of another generation about changes, online groups and resources are popping up to unravel the secrets of menopause.

At MenoLabs, for example, a menopausal woman can get all the information she needs on probiotics for menopause and estrogen supplements. There, she’ll learn about bone health and the increased risk of osteoporosis as women age. Even better, many websites and apps like MenoLabs offer ways to track menopause symptoms while being a place menopausal women can build community. If you’re premenopausal or even in menopause now, it’s a good idea to turn to online support groups, blogs, and vlogs for more information.

Pregnancy and Beyond

Untold Secrets of Women's Health

There’s arguably a lot of information for women on pregnancy on the internet and even within families. People like talking about new babies. Mothers tell daughters their birth stories, and grandmothers share myths and work hard to predict a baby’s gender. However, the focus for information on pregnancy is generally about either the birthing process or how to raise a baby. Less frequently discussed is what a woman’s body goes through after delivery.

The truth is that having a baby is hard work, and it’s only natural that the body responds with major hormone changes and postpartum bleeding. Many women are surprised to learn about constipation or diarrhea after delivery, or that there’s even a product like postpartum underwear out there to help.

If you’re pregnant for the first time or considering having a child and aren’t sure about what postpartum life might look like. Consider asking your doctor for a list of new mom groups. Not only will you form a tribe with kids the same age, but you’ll be able to share tips and tricks for things like c-section recovery and weight loss that might otherwise not be talked about.


Untold Secrets of Women's Health

As the parent of a teenage or preteen girl, you can help your daughter unravel the secrets to women’s health by having open conversations with her before puberty begins. Consider talking to your child at age-appropriate levels so that she knows she can come to you with questions.

Even if you might be uncomfortable answering certain questions. You’ll be giving her the gift of open communication not always available with older generations. The truth is that there will come a day when your little girl is wondering about pregnancy or menopause, too. Do her the favor of giving her a head start through open conversation and factual resources.

At the end of the day, it’s up to every woman to do her own research and make her own decisions on her health. However, in beginning to open up about unusual symptoms or talking to your doctor about concerns and questions. You’ll have a great head start when it comes to taking control of your health.

Instead of allowing your own body or health to be a mystery, consider talking to other women about your symptoms. You might be surprised to learn you aren’t alone and that they’ve been doing their own research as well.