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Home » Benefits of Embedding Instagram Feed With Your Website Design

Benefits of Embedding Instagram Feed With Your Website Design

Instagram is a growing social media channel with lots of active users and those increasing day by day. One of the greatest reasons why people use Instagram and like to scroll feeds is due to the Instagram UI and feeds design that make people stay stuck to the app even forgetting their important tasks. 

Thus, merging of Instagram feeds to your website design can do wonders and reach to another ladder ahead of your competitors. It is noticed that using social feeds increases the brand loyalty and credibility among customers. 

Integrating social media feeds with your website design increases the dwell time of visitors as well as influence them to convert into loyal customers. Moreover, with Instagram widgets you can harness more benefits on your website and improve the visitors experience. In this article you will learn about the amazing benefits as well as some tools that assist you to embed Instagram feeds on your website effectively.

Benefits of Using Instagram Feeds

Increase Visitors Engagement

As half of the population is on social media and likes to interact with social sharings,  using Instagram feeds on your website helps in increasing visitors’ interaction and engage them more with your website content. Instagram images attract the visitors attention and give them the same experience as they have using the Instagram app with your website. People like to engage with Instagram feeds, thus embedding Instagram images and videos on your website boost visitors dwelling time on your website.  

Build Trust

Building a trust with website visitors is what all businesses want, as this is the key to developing a long lasting relationship with your customers and your business. It is a fact when visitors come to your website they remain skeptical about what you are until they get the more information about your business. Moreover, people like to hear more from the other people about what they are saying about your business, instead of what you are saying about your business. 

Create Credibility And Authenticity

Using social media content, especially Instagram feed on website, increases the authenticity  and credibility of your business and its content. As social feeds are shared by the people with their own will, businesses do not pay people to share images, thus visitors know this. Thus, sharing Instagram feeds create authenticity and credibility of content you are displaying on your website.  

Unique and Creative Content

Adding Instagram feeds on your website is a creative way to design content on your website. Also, social media feeds are unique to your brands, thus adding them to your website adds unique content on your website that will give new informative content to your visitors. 

Boost Social Presence

Embedding Instagram feeds increases the social presence of your website and people like to visit your website for learning more about your social presence. Instgarm feeds on websites let the visitors know about your social media account, how active you are on social media, and what other people are talking about your business over social media.   

Some Amazing Ways To Embed Instagram Feeds With Your Website Design

Adding Instagram feeds on your website is super easy, in just one click you can have amazing widgets on your website. Here below are three effective ways to embed Instagram feeds on your website. Let’s explore them:

Embed Your Instagram Posts

With the help of the Instagram official website and app, you can copy the embed code and paste it to your website backend. This is a super easy and simple way to add Instagram feeds on your website. Find the post that you want to embed on your website and click on the three dots on the top right corner of the post and copy the embed code. However, the disadvantage of this method is that it will consume lots of time for you as you have to copy and paste the code one by one, bulk action is not possible. 

Add Instagram Badge 

In order to tell people that you are on Instagram and they can share information with their Instagram friends. Adding Instagram Badge to your website is the easiest way to integrate with Instagram on a website and connect people directly with your Instagram account. 

Install Instagram Widget

Using Instagram Widget to embed Instagram feeds on your website in the most efficient way. You can collect multiple Instagram feeds in your website using hashtags, mentions, handles, and locations and easily integrate in your website with a single line code. With the Instagram Widget you also get the option to customize the feeds and embed them in the most appropriate theme as per your website design. 

Some of the amazing Instagram Widgets that you can install to embed Instagram feeds on your website are Taggbox, Tagembed, SnapWidget, etc. With the help of these widgets you can make your website look vibrant and highly engaging effectively and efficiently.  

Enhance Your Website Performance Using Instagram Feeds

Now, you have come to know the benefits of using Instagram feeds on your website. It will help you in increasing engagement and boost your website performance. Adding Instagram feeds on your website is not a tough task, with the help of the right tool you can easily embed Instagram posts on your website.