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Home » Why PPC & SEO Must Be Implemented At The Same Time?

Why PPC & SEO Must Be Implemented At The Same Time?

So many digital experts believe that PPC is too complex, and that SEO is too slow. The truth is when these two teams collaborate, it delivers magical results, and insights, improves your website visibility, increases your leads, and boosts your revenue. However, a single team could never achieve that quickly on their own. You can also maximize your digital marketing performance by aligning both to work together.

In the end, we hope you’ll understand how combining these two marketing methods can result in a more effective website and better results. If you are implementing SEO and PPC strategy together then you need to learn it like a pro where a better Digital Marketing Institute can help you.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

The goal of SEO is to improve a website’s ranking in search results so that it appears high in searches for targeted keywords or phrases.

Suppose, If a company wanted to boost its website’s ranking for “Coffee Mug“. Then they might include this phrase/keyword in product descriptions, include this text in the page titles and meta descriptions, and improve the loading speed of its website. In addition to this, can also obtain some links from Coffee-related websites. Listed above are just a few tips on how to improve a website’s SEO.

What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?

A PPC campaign consists of ads that appear on search results pages for popular search engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! (as well as on other social media networks). In pay-per-click advertising, companies need to pay only for ads when they are clicked – otherwise, they don’t have to pay anything.

A PPC ad is generally a cost-effective way to attract new customers. Although the rates for bidding on specific keywords and phrases may vary, some have higher prices than others. Hence, Depending on the competition level, some keywords may be very affordable, while others may cost even more than hundreds of dollars per click.

When used together, PPC and SEO are even more effective.

Most people treat SEO and PPC as completely separate strategies. But in reality, PPC and SEO are the most powerful tools for each other.  

Let’s explore some reasons why one should implement both at the same time.

SEO + PPC will boost search engine visibility.

SEO + PPC will boost search engine visibility.

As we know that SEO process can expand the visibility of your website on the first page of search results, or even provide the #1 position, according to the keywords you wish to target. Additionally, if you do PPC ads for that same keyword with a high enough bid. It helps your ad to appear close to the top of search engine results when anyone performs searches with that particular keyword.

Doing both things (PPC and SEO) together for that particular keyword will ensure that your brand will dominate the search results and give you a better chance to capture those valuable clicks.

You can reach out to previous visitors with remarketing campaigns.

Suppose, you are getting a fair amount of visitors using your SEO efforts, but you have to understand that these visitors may take a while to make up their minds to become your lead or purchase. In this condition, combining your PPC remarketing and SEO will help you bring these potential customers back to your website at a later time to complete their purchase or conversion. The PPC remarketing will remind them constantly within a specified interval of time. In contrast, if you didn’t remarket to them, they would have forgotten all about you.

You can recover lost search engine clicks with PPC.

According to Google’s research study, they found that organic rankings did not replace 89% of the traffic generated by search ads for a particular keyword when ads were paused. In other words, you might harm your traffic if you pause your PPC ads! even if you are on rank #1 naturally. 

If you use PPC, you can recover clicks and interest you may otherwise have missed. Even, It’s possible to get traffic from search engine visitors even if you haven’t ranked #1 by natural means; PPC can provide you with targeted traffic for a small sum of money.

PPC is a great way to test new keywords for your SEO strategy

As we know Search engine optimization often requires a lot of time, research, and expense. And when thinking about optimizing your SEO efforts, you may want to target a specific keyword but aren’t sure whether you will get enough traffic with that specific keyword or not. In this situation, you can test your specific keyword by running with PPC and identify their visibility effectively. 

In addition to being extremely inexpensive, PPC allows you to experiment with search engines without investing substantial time or money into making your website search engine friendly.

The data you gain from PPC and SEO enables you to make better decisions.

Furthermore, SEO and PPC can work together for your benefit by giving you information that can be used to make better business decisions. Both SEO and PPC campaigns can yield similar metrics, such as:

  • CTR
  • The time spent on site by visitors
  • Exit and bounce rates
  • Rate of conversion

You can use this information to determine which keywords generate sales, or which attract visitors that never make a purchase or become a lead. And if you use this information, you can make better decisions regarding your website and future marketing efforts.

PPC or SEO can provide you with this data separately. But In combination, you can get twice as much information, which helps you make even better decisions.


There are two key differences between PPC and SEO if you work individually. In PPC your ads appear above the organic listings. Another difference is that organic traffic is free, while PPC traffic costs for each click. However, SEO and PPC work best when they’re integrated and strategically aligned. Also, by combining data from both SEO and PPC campaigns, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy for your website to boost your sales and revenue.