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Home » What’s the Best Course for Learning SEO in 2021?

What’s the Best Course for Learning SEO in 2021?

Do you want to learn an SEO course but don’t know where to start? Here’s a complete beginner SEO course in Lahore which you will learn everything you need to know to get started with SEO on your own!

The Complete SEO Course for Beginners

This SEO Optimization Guide is written in plain text, not trendy video. This makes it much easier to perceive information; you can always return to what you read earlier and restore the forgotten material in your memory.

As my tests have shown, video content is perceived worse during learning and gaining knowledge since many people do not have time to repeat the actions behind the author on the monitor screen, are distracted, confused, and make a lot of mistakes.

Basic SEO Course

Before we learn about specific techniques and aspects of SEO, let’s go over the basic definitions, expand our vocabulary, and get answers to frequently asked questions. Are you ready? Let’s start!

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the method your website to improve its ranking in search engine results and generate more organic (unpaid). Today it is an essential marketing strategy and a continually evolving industry. Are parts of search engine marketing.

Naturally, you want to give them the answer to this question.  SEO is all the actions that you do for Google to consider your site as a high-quality source of information and rank it higher than others for your desired search queries.

There are three critical aspects of SEO:

Technical aspects (characteristics) – the bowl is a collection of all the technical features you need to implement on the site (often called the site’s technical or SEO attributes). Without a suitable bowl, the soup would have nothing to store.

Great Content – The soup itself represents your website content – the essential part of it. Quality Backlinks – Backlinks can be thought of as a flavoring to add to your site’s authority. It is achieved by getting quality backlinks. This is the final ingredient for making your SEO soup perfect.

In the following chapters, we will look at all these aspects from a practical point of view. Once you start digging into SEO course in Lahore, you will come across some general terms that try to categorize its various aspects or approaches, namely:

  • Internal optimization (SEO on-page) and external optimization (SEO off-page);
  • Black hat SEO and White Hat SEO.

Although they are not so important from a practical point of view, their meaning is right to know.

Internal and external optimization

The terms On-page SEO and Off-page SEO define SEO as depending on whether you are doing it on or off the website.

Internal SEO is everything you can do on a website – from content optimization to technical aspects (technical SEO).

  • Collection of the semantic core of the site (selection of keywords);
  • SEO content optimization;
  • Optimization of meta tags;
  • Increased page loading speed;

Note: The terms on-page SEO and technical SEO are sometimes used interchangeably and are sometimes used to distinguish between content-based optimization (like title tags) and tech-oriented optimization (like page load speed).

External SEO is a strategy for getting quality backlinks. This is done to show search engines that your site has authority and value. Link building can include techniques such as:

  • Guest blogging;
  • E-mail marketing;
  • Creation of broken links.

Offsite optimization is also closely related to other online marketing areas, such as social media marketing and branding. They indirectly affect the credibility and credibility of your site. Remember, a successful SEO strategy consists of SEO actions both on and off the page.

How Can I Learn SEO?

To learn SEO, you need to do a few things:

  • Read reliable resources;
  • Get hands-on experience;
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment;
  • Be patient (SEO is a marathon, not a sprint).

Studying this beginner’s SEO course in Lahore guide is a great way to get started.

How does it take to learn SEO Course?

To answer this question, we’ll use SEO experts’ general answer to almost any SEO course problem: it depends on the circumstances. While it won’t take you more than a couple of weeks to grasp the basics, actually mastering the discipline depends a lot on practice, and it’s a matter of months or even years.

Do I need SEO tools?

If you are serious about SEO, you shouldn’t neglect the useful data and knowledge provided by various SEO tools. They give you a great competitive edge and save you time.

Here are some essential SEO tools that every website owner should use:

  • Google Search Console ;
  • traffic analysis (for example, Google Analytics);
  • Keyword Research Platform
  • backlink analysis tool service for an audit of internal website optimization

What are search engines?

And the truth is Google is the only example of search engines you need to know. This is seen on the graph of the share of the Russian search engine market:

Therefore, when we talk about search engines in this SEO beginner’s guide, we mainly mean Google. Other search engines work on similar principles, and as long as your website is optimized for Google, you should be in about the same positions for different search engines if you registered your site there.

How do search engines work?

The process of work of search engines consists of the following main stages:

  • Scanning;
  • Indexing;
  • Ranking (selection of results);
  • And finally, showing the search results to the user.
  • The process looks something like this:


Crawling is the process by which search engines continuously crawl all web pages on the Internet. They use small programs (called crawlers or bots) to follow all the hyperlinks and discover new pages (and keep track of the page updates they found earlier). Google Webmaster Trend Analyst describes the scanning process quite simply:


After Crawling the website, the information is indexed. Search engines try to parse and understand pages, classify them and store them in the index. A search engine index is essentially a giant library of all crawled websites with the sole purpose of understanding them and making them available for use as a search result.

Google Algorithm

Google Search Algorithm is used as a general term to refer to all the individual algorithms, machine learning systems, and technologies that Google uses to rank websites.

For best results, they take into account various factors, namely:

The meaning of the query – the search engine needs to understand what the user is looking for.

Page Relevance – The page must match the search query.

Content quality – The search engine tries to select the best results in terms of content quality.

Usability of pages – pages must also be usable (in terms of accessibility, readability, security, etc.)

Context and settings are last but not least, considering the user’s location, settings, and search history.

As with any complex system, Google’s algorithm needs to be regularly updated and tweaked. Apart from minor algorithm updates daily, Google usually releases a couple of core algorithm updates a year. They are officially announced by Google and are causing a lot of buzz in the SEO community.

Browsing a list of the most important major algorithm updates (e.g., Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, etc.) can be a great way to gain insight into how Google Search and SEO have evolved years.

What is a backlink?

A backlink is a link from one page to another. If page A links to page B, we say that page B has a backlink from page A. Backlinks are among the most important ranking signals.

Why are backlinks so important?

Backlinks have been a very influential factor in search engine algorithms from the very beginning. They work like academic quotes. Search engine designers have realized that if many quality resources link to a particular page, the page is valuable and trustworthy.