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Explore New Benefits from Downloadable Healthcare Apps

Each year, technology advances and old problems are solved. It’s no different in the healthcare app industry. In 2022, the market size for healthcare apps will be $43.5 billion. That number has grown every year for the last decade. So investing in a healthcare app for your business could bring benefits you never realized. 

A healthcare app brings higher-quality and higher-quantity care for all of your patients. In addition, using a mobile app allows you to explore different benefits of using technology that haven’t yet been realized in healthcare. Organizational tools, convenience for your employees, and convenience for your patients are among the top reasons to invest in app development. 

This article will cover the new benefits of downloadable healthcare apps. By the end of it, you’ll want to develop your app to reap the benefits. In fact, 93% of doctors agree a mobile app improves patients’ health. 

Decrease healthcare costs for patients

Arguably the best benefit for integrating a healthcare app into your business is the potential to reduce costs. But how does an app reduce expenses? First, having an app gives patients an easier way to access their doctors. Say, for example, that a patient comes down with a cough. Instead of scheduling an appointment for an in-person check, the patient can schedule a virtual consultation.

Benefits from Downloadable Healthcare Apps

That leaves room for other standard check-ups at your clinic while some are taken care of online. Since visits to the clinic do cost money for patients, it makes sense to take some of that cost away by doing it through an app.

Data shows that healthcare savings could be over $7 billion by using healthcare apps. Each app is different, yet certain features have decreased healthcare costs by teaching programs like diabetes prevention, cardiac rehabilitation, and pulmonary rehabilitation. Patients that enroll in these programs avoid health issues and healthcare costs. Additionally, a healthcare app strengthens your business’s virtual presence. 

Centralize data collection for improved accessibility

With technology constantly advancing, you should upgrade your data systems every few years. Switching to a centralized data app for your professionals makes sense if you’re still using paper. But you’re likely using some sort of online storage platform to record and save patient data. Using a platform to store data on computers is perfectly fine; however, there are some advantages to switching to a mobile app. 

The first advantage of using a mobile app is that it’s accessible from anywhere while remaining just as secure. For example, let’s say your Wi-Fi goes down for the day. How will you stay open? Would you switch back to pen and paper? With a mobile app, all data would still be accessible, and there wouldn’t be any issues. Additionally, the app is accessible at any time. You don’t need to be in the clinic to log in to the app. 

Centralizing patient data is also beneficial to patients, if given a login. For example, a patient could view their medical profile and ID at any time and see what past treatments they’ve received. 

Online appointments for faster access

Increasing the efficiency of any business never hurts. Digital Authority Partners adds that by creating an option for online consultations, patients are more likely to return. Virtual appointments provide convenience for patients and a thorough understanding of their problems. In addition to comfort, the process is simply much faster than in person. When scheduling an in-person appointment, wait times, and other impediments make it difficult. With a feature to schedule online meetings, patients choose times that work for them and their doctor. 

For example, Teladoc is an app that lets users meet with doctors on demand. The app contains all different types of doctors, therapists, and specialists. Many apps are similar; however, these on-demand doctor apps have transformed the healthcare industry. 

User experience (UX), or patient experience, is a big deal in healthcare. Your patients should trust you, enjoy their experience, and not be afraid of speaking to a doctor. In addition, creating a more efficient way to schedule consultations makes the patient feel more satisfied. 

Improves the patient experience

UX is vital in healthcare, so what other ways do mobile healthcare apps improve the patient experience? Well, first, medication adherence is a problem. Mobile apps remedy this issue by gently reminding patients to pick up their medication, take it, and improve their condition. Nearly 20% to 30% of all prescribed medications aren’t picked up. Of course, most times lack of medication adherence leads to more health problems. In preventing this, you improve your patient’s quality of life by sending gentle reminders about their medication, the benefits, and why they should take it. 

Another way mobile apps improve UX is remote monitoring. This allows patients to track, record, and send specific data to their physicians. Examples include weight, blood pressure, diet tracking, and heart rate monitors.

Additionally, doctors can send feedback to their patients to provide them with a better experience. Not only does it improve patient experience, but remote monitoring allows doctors an extra insight into their patients. They’re able to monitor for any problems or concerns that pop up without an in-person appointment. 

Increases patient health

The final benefit to developing a mobile healthcare app is the improvement of patient health when certain features are enabled. Problems like medication adherence and medication reconciliation (the issue of not remembering details about your medication and dosage) are solvable because of automated reminders. When patients do suffer from these problems, their health tends to decline. 

Another way mobile apps improve patients’ health is by extra communication. Before mobile apps became popular, you’d have to call the clinic or office to talk to your doctor. Now patients have more access to doctors, leading to more communication and better health.

In addition to better communication, patients also have access to more information. There’s information about themselves, specific conditions, and treatments—all on the app. 

Final Thoughts

Since many diseases and illnesses are preventable with our technology, the healthcare business must find solutions. One of the solutions is a mobile app to centralize everything. Unfortunately, these avoidable illnesses cost the healthcare system money, in addition to the bills the patient pays. However, the benefits of healthcare apps outweigh the cost because of their impact on patient and doctor experience.