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6 Electrical Tools That Every Pro Electrician Needs

Every professional electrician hopes to get the greatest and latest tools that will be of help for all their electrical jobs. Most of these tools are available. However, if you have been in this field for long, you are aware that there is some electrical industrial surplus that is branded, the durable quality type, and others that once you buy them you will have to replace them over and over again. Always choose the right tools for your electrical jobs for you better go for quality over price. If you are a beginner or you want to have an electrical kit that you can use at home. In this article, you will learn of electrical tools that you need in your tool bag. 

  1. A multimeter
Testo 760-1 - Digital multimeter - Measurecon Instruments Pvt Ltd

In any electrical job, it is vital to be in a position to check for current and voltages. When you have a multimeter as part of your electrical tool bag, you have a vital all-in-one tester to use in measuring current, voltage, and resistance in electrical circuits. Plus, it will help you locate any power fluctuation causes such as shoddy wiring. Search online and from various electrical shops to purchase a multimeter that will suit you. If you are a serious electrician, you will learn of the available various types and their functions. 

  1. Non-contact voltage detector 
FLIR VP50 Non-Contact Voltage Detector + Worklight | FLIR Systems

Many times as you do various electrical jobs, whether you are a beginner or a pro. You must do a quick safety check to see if what you are working on has a live circuit or there is a current present. Depending on the voltage detector that you buy, it can have an on and off switch or it is automatic. So, it is best to choose one that will suit your needs and current budget. Also, seek to find out which other professional electricians prefer, for you need one that provides accurate readings and on the job site it has a long service life. 

  1. Tape measure 
More to tape measure markings than meets the eye - Chicago Tribune

This is a must-have tool for both a pro electrician and beginners too. It is essential in measuring heights for centering lighting fixtures, switch, and outlet replacement, among many others. They are the cheapest tool you can have as an electrician and because of this, you have no excuse for lacking one. Choose one that is designed to fit in your hands comfortably and has clear blade protection for durable markings. 

  1. A wire stripper 

This is a handy tool to cut or strip off the insulation on wires. A quality wire stripper is designed with a cut-off portion and it should do a clean job every time you use it. Also, choose one that has differently sized cutting teeth for the different sized cables or wires. Consider opting for top models as they have ergonomically designed handles that need less hand force as you use them. Plus, they have curved cutting blades for precise and cleaner cuts.

  1. Flashlight 

An electrician who has experience in this field knows that a flashlight is a must-have tool. Having proper lighting is key to any electrical job no matter how minimal it seems. It is not advisable to reach into a panel without a flashlight to help you with lighting needs. When on the job site the lighting conditions are poor, having a good flashlight will come in handy.

  1. Pliers 
6" Gardner Bender GS-385 Needle Nose Plier Home Pliers Home & Garden

A pliers is a tool that you can find in many types as you get one depending on what you need to be done. For instance, diagonal or side cutting pliers are specifically for cutting wires. This is because their cutting edge is on the tip and is ideal in trimming wires in tight areas. As for the pliers, you will also need a do all pliers that you can use not only to cut wires but twist them together and to pull and grip wires. 

To sum up, the above are some of the must-haves that every pro electrician and beginners need. Others that can be a part of this list are fish tape, a level to help you get the basics right, a wire crimper, and screwdrivers, among others that you feel you need for your job to run smoothly.