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Long gone are the days when coding was an adult’s thing. Due to numerous shocking digital advancements, teaching children how to code has become a growing industry trend. There are a handful of apps, tutorials, handbooks, etc., that teach children this particular skill.

As you already know, computers are now replacing manual modes of operation. That said, our children must speak computer linguistics. Learning to code at an early stage helps children improve creativity, boost their attention, and attain problem-solving skills. Even after some proven theories and results, there are still a few misconceptions and myths out there about coding. Hence, we are excited to bust some myths and present reality-based philosophies that encourage coding for kids.

Let’s get to it:

Myth: coding turns you into a computer freak

One pervasive myth about teaching kids how to code is that coding is for those who consider computers to be their best friend. The reasoning seems to be this: the better you are at coding, the more antisocial you become. People think that coding turns you into a loner. You don’t go out; you sit in front of the screen for hours.

Reality: Coding is a social activity

The truth is, coding makes you cool, and when you are relaxed, you get to make a lot of friends. Also, a lot of outsiders tend to approach coding professionals; hence, more social encounters. Additionally, one of the most standard features of coding is peer learning.

Myth: You have to be a nerd to fit in

There’s no magical statement to support that the world stereotypes the tech industry as a refuge for the hygiene-challenged and socially stunted. Coders are considered loners who spend most of their time in their mother’s basement designing code org games (Minecraft is the best example for this). And with such nerdiness, it seems impossible for them to get along with others. Both kids and parents have this negative view about coding and wonder if they will ever fit in.

Reality: Tech companies need more coders

Yes, coding does demand some head-down focused time. Ultimately, developing any larger-scale project like software requires teamwork and the ability to convey your ideas effortlessly. However, it is also true that the tech industry contains diversity problems. Google recently posted a study claiming that 60% of their workers are male, which begs the need to encourage young girls to learn how to code.

Myth: coding is intense

Another myth about coding that relates to it, making you antisocial, is that coding is very intense. It means one has to be obsessed with technology to learn to code. People often believe that coding tradition is all or nothing.

Reality: Coding is a laid-back activity

We admit, that plenty of complicated and intense figures come up while coding, but that doesn’t make coding itself an intimidating task. Back in the day when computers were mere as a niche hobby, this opinion of coding being intense and all-consuming may have had merit. However, code and computers are part of almost every aspect.

Coding has become an everyday task since teens at MySpace decided to modify their problems by messing with cheat codes in video games. Therefore, you don’t need to be an intense hobbyist or a computer geek to be messing with code. It is merely like how you don’t need to be a novelist to write a book.

Myth: coding contains math

Another easy-to-predict myth about coding is that it demands math knowledge. Nothing can get accomplished if you aren’t a mathematical wizard.

Reality: Coding has everything

Today, coding is more about having a way of thinking and discovering solutions than madly typing at the keyboard. Many programming environments allow kids to drag and drop blocks rather than making them type in a command. In Minecraft engineering programs, children work with Redstone objects to understand concepts like “if, then, else” loops and sequences. Today’s coding education contains these underlying concepts and methods of thinking.

Another critical reality of today’s computing world is that it is a part of every field, not just technology and science. Whether you are in art, agriculture, retail, the internet, and computers are everywhere. Research shows that if you can’t get a kid into coding via technology, introduce them to arts or any other study field. You will find coding everywhere.

Myth: coding involves the love for computers

Most of the computer world’s geniuses get infatuated with computer machines, whether Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Wozniak. These are the men who include computers in their daily language and get driven by a passionate tech interest. Due to these personalities and their stories, it is no wonder why many people believe that you have to be in love with computers to learn to code.

Reality: Coding is all about finding solutions

For some kids, solving computer-related problems is fun. However, it is more likely that your child will be motivated by a problem existing in the world. It relates to modifying their Minecraft game, making a GIF, building a Harry Potter fan website, or calculating their GPA. We can quickly get kids into coding with real-time problems that can get solved via coding and computing.

The verdict

So, who won? The realities!

These were some of the most mutual myths regarding whether you should teach your kid coding or not. An essential part here is the willingness and interest of a child to practice and learn new skills. It is easy to teach kids coding than adults because younger brains get blessed with better grasping skills. So go ahead and present these realities to your kid.