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With the plague of companies getting formed in the digital medium form of business, data integrity and safety is only questionable.

The digital format of business has enabled the floundering of lucrative money-making options parallel to the legitimate sources without the keen observing eye of the regulators across the world.

Legal provisions are in place to check the emergence of frauds and scams in the financial sector.

However, these do not contain many teeth to stop it all. Besides, its implementation is an arduous, time-consuming task.

Many people across the UK are getting cheated over many fraudulent phone calls, emails, and messages, and this is quite alarming.

Statistics show that in 2018, around 1 million people complained of fraud to the UK tax authorities.

In 2019, Scammers stole through authorized push payments 616 million pounds.  

Bank transfer scams amounted to more than 40% for a year valuing more than 1 million pounds per day. 

The schemes and strategies of these unscrupulous persons are several and high tech sophisticated to enlarge their scope of illegitimate earnings. 

Some of them use stolen credit cards, while some others a website link or page, or emergency emails demanding payments.

People should be highly vigilant and beware of the schemes and strategies of fraudsters for the time to come. 


Below mentioned are some of the most popular financial scams in the UK that people must beware and wary of: 


People are impersonating themselves as the employees of banks. Approach people through Calls, text messages, and emails and gain their valuable information.

Fraudsters gain the consent of people for transferring vast amounts of money on their behalf and thus cheat them from their means.

Another manner in which people steal money is through hacking the email account and gaining access to the mails of payments to be made to various realtors, solicitors, etc.  

After which they change the account and the sort code of the person and fraud fully get all the payment money. 

Some even pose as the employees of the bank calling on behalf of the fraud department or the police demanding to transfer money into a “safe account” to thwart its stealth.

They are invariably taking control of all their funds into their bank accounts only. 


People posing as professionals ask masses to invest their surplus funds into a very profitable stock market scheme.

In the form of Alternate investment funds based on art, wine, forestry, carbon credits, and land, Impersonating licensed banks and investment firms.

The assurance is of more than average returns are guaranteed, and the greed for quick returns induces people to fall in their trap.  


Posing as the employees of Apple Inc. with all credentials to scrutinize, these fraudsters blackmail people of deleting their apple account.

Part of a phishing scam, fraudsters induce people to click into a website link and pay an amount unless to face the consequences.

Through this link, people are blackmailed into paying large amounts of money for their Apple Inc. subscription. 


Broadband companies are large multinational corporations, and posing as their employees is undoubtedly rewarding.

Scammers posing as employees of these companies contact their customers and inform them regarding a virus in their computers or any pending bill payments.

This scares away people, especially the young and uneducated, to make off immediate payments to restore the connection or get away with the virus corrupting the PC. 


Social media prevalence is alleviating for some.

Nevertheless, it has become a common ground for scammers to search out for vulnerable targets for extracting money.

Many schemes through Instagram or any other social media route to multiply their earnings fastly even within a few hours.

This demands vulnerable youngsters to churn lots of money from their parents and give away to fraudsters easily. 


The fraudster hacks into the computers of the people and gains access to their emails.

He later intercepts the conversation between the client and their solicitors through which the home purchase is into practice.

Then he emails the client on behalf of the firm to make payments for the residential property.

Informing them that the law firm’s bank account replaced, the instructions with their bank account details given.

The client, not sensing anything fishy confirms all these requests thinking it as legitimate and then loses all money. 

Many people are struggling to make ends meet, including those who have fallen prey to these financial scams.

Surplus funds are not enough to meet their overall needs.

Some source of external help is needed to make large purchases like to buy a car.

For such people, making use of car finance on an instant decision is a great idea.

Whether you unemployed and availing the benefit from the Government. These loan products are affordable with easy repayment plans.

Even for those with bad creditworthiness of long duration can avail these car loans without much hassle entirely through online process. 


To prevent falling preys to one of these scams, one can consider while availing car finance the following options:

Never respond to dubious text messages.

Regarding the receipt of Emails: scrutinize the logo and the website of its credentials like contact locations, compare the information given with other sources as well. 

Website: ensure that a lock is closed at the farthest left of the website mentioned in the search bar. When the website page visited to ensure security 

Never lose credit cards: carelessly misplaced anywhere; even if lost, inform the authorities to block it immediately. 

Beware of fraudulent websites and weblinks: do not click every advertisement that flashes anywhere. 


One must be aware of the schemes and strategies of fraudulent people in exploiting us to gain illegitimate money.