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Home » Lifestyle Hacks to Upgrade your Living Space in Bangalore

Lifestyle Hacks to Upgrade your Living Space in Bangalore

Picture the opening scene of a movie based on your life. You’re bright eyed and bushy tailed as you move to a new city for an incredible job opportunity. Cue the upbeat, happy soundtrack. Then you enter the PG or hostel that will be your home for the next few years, and… that soundtrack screeches to a halt.

Because if you’re renting accommodation for yourself in a new city, it’s quite possible you’ll end up with a small single room space. Which means you have to figure out how your big dreams of city living can be squeezed into your tiny new bedroom cum study cum hangout zone cum kitchenette. Sounds impossible? Well, it isn’t, especially if you’re armed with our hacks for upgrading your living space.

A quick aside  before we start: most PGs and hostels might not let you make major permanent changes to your room, that’s why our focus is on minor modifications that can easily be reversed when you move to new horizons. So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump in:

Substance Over Size

Here’s the simple truth – bigger isn’t always better. In fact, if you’re living alone for the first time, you might find that a small room in PG in Bangalore is a lot easier to maintain than a 3BHK in DLF City. Small spaces are way less hassle to clean, decorate and organise.

So instead of spending time doodling the layout of your dream bungalow, plan out how to best utilise the space you’re working with. It’s a good idea to think of utility before aesthetics, no matter what your Instagram says.

So think about spending on the basics you need to survive and thrive – lamps, furniture, dustbins, laundry bags – before you start splurging on those dream catchers and wall decals.

Create a Walkway

You don’t want your room to look like a scene from an episode of Hoarders. Because having too much stuff is the enemy of creating a comfortable living space. So rearrange your existing furniture and open up the view of the room. And if you’ve got piles of belongings on every chair, desk, and even your bed, free up that space by arranging them inside your drawers, behind a door or under your bed.

This will make your room seem a lot more tidy and a lot bigger too. You could also consider pushing your bed, your desk or any other large furniture against a wall instead of placing them in the open areas of your room. That’s a quick hack to free up floor space and make your room seem twice the size. 

Make Your Furniture Multitask

You’re probably balancing multiple things at once in your work and your personal life. And there’s no reason why your furniture can’t do that too. By using your existing furniture for several purposes, you’ll be getting a lot more out of your space, and end up increasing the comfort quotient of your room too.

The ideas for this are endless, but some of our favourites include using your bed as a sofa by pushing it against the wall and lining it with pillows or cushions. Now you have a place to Netflix and chill with friends after work, and nap away all your worries on weekends.

Another hack we love is putting a full length mirror on the back of your door. This is a great way to utilise space that’s otherwise overlooked, gives you a place to try on your outfits (and practice your mirror selfies), and even makes your room look a lot larger.

Build Your Own Workstation

Whether you’re working in one of the up-and-coming startups in Bangalore or one of the tried and true corporates, the pandemic has made it important for you to also have a place to work from home. And it’s unlikely that your accommodation will have enough room for you to create a separate home office. But we don’t think your productivity should have to suffer.

Luckily, it’s easier than ever to create a well-designed work-station by upgrading your existing desk. Perfect for your PG. All you have to do is clear the space of all extraneous items (because no one is ever above distractions), place your desk near an outlet so you can keep your gadgets charged, invest in a chair with lumbar support, and ensure your workstation is well-lit.

Once you’ve got those basics covered, you can personalise your workspace as you see fit. Perhaps a few plants will brighten it up, or you’d like to hang a poster over your desk. Whatever gets the job done!

Our easy tips and tricks are a great way for you to give your new accommodation a makeover, and give yourself all the comfort and convenience you deserve. With these easy upgrades, you’re well on your way to building yourself a better life.